We all know and love the timeless radiance of a royal blue sapphire, but did you know that sapphires come in a dazzling array of colors?
Unique, captivating, and timeless-the sapphire gemstone is truly one of the most exquisite stones you can add to your collection. Ranging in a variety of gorgeous hues and styles, these gems have a versatility, unlike almost any other stone. Whether you are looking for an antique diamond ring or the perfect accessory for a special event, we are sure you will find exactly what you need with our online selection.
Read on to learn more about this gorgeous gemstone and discover some of the most stunning sapphire engagement rings we have to offer at M. S. Rau Antiques.
Looking for a one-of-a-kind piece to add to your jewelry collection? Shop our collection of estate sapphire rings now!
What are Sapphires?
What is a sapphire and how does it compare to other fine stones? The sapphire gemstone is known for its brilliance, color, and durability. Best known for its rich blue hue, sapphires can also be found in a host of other gemstone colors, including purple, green, yellow, and orange. While natural sapphires can be found all over the world, they are most often harvested in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Eastern Australia, North America, China, Madagascar, and Africa.
All crystals that belong to the corundum family are classified as sapphires, with the exception of red-colored stones. Red crystals in the corundum species are given their own group, and are designated as rubies.
Small changes in the environment in which the natural sapphire crystal was formed, are what ultimately determine the color of the stone. When exposed to different trace elements, the stone will take on different hues ranging from dark blues and purples to light pinks and oranges.
Why Sapphires Are an Excellent Gemstone for Jewelry
Sapphires, a member of the corundum species, rank a nine out of ten on the Mohs scale for hardness, making them an excellent choice for highly durable jewelry that can be worn every day, such as an engagement ring. The sapphire encapsulates chic elegance, epitomized by Princess Diana’s 12-carat blue Ceylon sapphire engagement ring.
The Collection of Unique Sapphire Engagement Rings at M.S. Rau Antiques
Below are some of our most prized engagement rings offered at M.S. Rau Antiques. If you are looking for the perfect engagement ring or birthday gift for that special someone, consider one of these gorgeous pieces.
An Untreated Pink Sapphire Ring
An eye catching rosy pink, this ring is sure to turn heads. The 4.03-carat pink sapphire is certified by C. Dunaigre to be untreated, meaning that this rich hue is entirely natural.
An Orange Sapphire and Diamond Ring
This spectacular orange sapphire ring is full of fire and personality! A bright, even, and radiant orange color such as this one is highly unusual, and quite sought after. Measuring 8.08 carats, this piece of sapphire jewelry is one of substance, and its setting of marquise cut white diamonds frames it strikingly.
A Green Sapphire and Diamond Ring
With a rich green hue, this sapphire is elegant and much more durable than an emerald! Elegant and refined, the 6.25-carat center stone is surrounded by six white diamonds in a platinum setting.
Sophisticated and timeless, this ring is also certified by C. Dunaigre of Switzerland to have no treatments, indicating that this deep color is entirely natural.

An Untreated Purple Sapphire and Diamond Ring
An Untreated Purple Sapphire and Diamond Ring
This enchanting purple sapphire ring features three light purple sapphires, totaling three carats.
To find three stones as well matched as these is incredibly rare, as they have a nearly identical hue and distribution of color across the stone.
To find three stones as well matched as these is incredibly rare, as they have a nearly identical hue and distribution of color across the stone.
With diamonds surrounding the three sapphires and a platinum setting, this piece of sapphire jewelry is romantic and exquisite, making it one of the most fascinating precious gemstone rings offered at M.S. Rau!
A Padparadscha Sapphire Ring
This Padparadscha sapphire is an extremely rare and unusual gemstone. It gets its name from the Sinhalese word for lotus flower, which are typically a light coral pink color.
Padparadscha sapphires are almost never found any larger than 2 carats, but this precious stone is a stunning 3.07 carats!
In addition, these stones are often treated with heat to enhance the color intensity of the precious stone, but this gem is certified by Gemresearch Swisslab (GRS) to be entirely untreated.
Wrapping Up
Looking for a fine piece of jewelry to add to your collection? At M.S. Rau Antiques, you can find a timeless selection of sapphire bracelets, rings, necklaces, and earrings. Whether you are looking for a unique engagement ring or the perfect accessory for a special event, we are sure you will find exactly what you need with our online selection.
To learn more about our colored gemstones, visit our website or contact one of experts at M.S. Rau Antiques today.